
Showing posts from September, 2019

Download Bart 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Bart 2020 Latest Version - Bart allows to synchronize files between folders. Create a new folder with exactly the same contents than another once you download Bart free on your PC Bart Bart 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Bart is a program that may be somewhat simple, but nevertheless, applied in modern work environments it can become an essential tool. The task of this software is to create backup copies of the folders that you indicate, with the idea that there are always two copies of the same file updated in two different places, but without having to worry about duplicate files. Discover a great utility to synchronize folders The program's interface is rather simple because you will only need to select those folders that you want to make sure of synchronizing (without worrying about which unit or kind of support they are on) and waiting for the application to carry out the appropriate tasks. What's more, the program allows you to select which extensions you don&#

Download Flexcrypt 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Flexcrypt 2020 Latest Version - Flexcrypt is a tool to protect your files with a password. Download Flexcrypt and encrypt all that confidential information that you want to keep safe Flexcrypt Flexcrypt 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Flexcrypt is a program developed to avoid that any curious person can snoop on your documents or email messages, because it takes care of encrypting the information in such a way that only you can see it. The program works in a rather simple way due to the fact that it integrates perfectly with the operating system, in such a way that you can encrypt files directly from the file explorer, your email from your usual client or your Messenger conversations, only requiring that the user account with which you want to hide what is written also has the program available. It also has a utility with which you'll be able to eliminate files with no going back, without the possibility to recover them, in case you have the need to delete any kind of pri

Download TrueCrypt 2020 Latest Version For Windows

TrueCrypt 2020 Latest Version - TrueCrypt can create up to 32 virtual drives to save your private files and protect them with an encrypted algorithm. Download TrueCrypt to your PC for free TrueCrypt TrueCrypt 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Whether in a professional or personal environment there are always various files that we don't want to be seen or played by anybody due to the fact that their contents is totally private. To protect this kind of file we can resort to certain sorts of applications like TrueCrypt. This peculiar program allows us to create up to 32 virtual units (or use a partition created previously) to be able to store our files encrypted using the encryption algorithm of our choice, and perform this encryption on-the-fly, without any reading and writing delay due to parallelization and pipelining. Once we have determined the size of the virtual unit, we can choose the algorithm (Twofish, Serpent or AES-256), provide the unit with a password and start c

Download Papaya 2020 Latest Version For Mac

Papaya 2020 Latest Version - Papaya allows you to share your files with whoever you want as if it were an Internet server. Download Papaya and distribute all your files on the Internet Papaya Papaya Mac 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Papaya is a file-sharing application that behaves like an Internet server and allows anyone to be able to download whatever they choose to offer. How it works is very simple, once installed, you can drag and drop any file from which you will obtain a URL. If you share that address, anyone will be able to download that file. This is a great advantage if you want to share files allowing the direct download with your friends without having to use a P2P network or external service. With Papaya you will have really installed a small file server that will even allow you to access an online list. Thus, wherever you are you will be able to download any file. Main features Possibility to view and download from iPhone or iPod Touch. Support to copy and pa

Download FFHardener 2020 Latest Version For Windows

FFHardener 2020 Latest Version - FFHardener is a tool to really increase the security of Firefox . Download FFHardener free to solve the most important security vulnerabilities of Firefox FFHardener FFHardener 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Any program with a lot of popularity lead to "the bad guys" paying more attention to it when it comes to plotting their misdeeds, that is why Firefox receives more attacks each day. Even though no software is error-free, the truth is that some parts are more prone to generating security holes than others, and since the vulnerable parts of Firefox are well known, FFHardener tries to offer some order and conceal the problems that the browser by Mozilla may have. Take security to the next level in Firefox Once FFHardener has been downloaded, its functioning depends simply on pressing the only button that is shown in its interface, and that will prop up the weak points of Firefox. Basically, its action lines consist of making sure t

Download Marxio File Checksum Verifier 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Marxio File Checksum Verifier 2020 Latest Version - Marxio File Checksum Verifier allows you to verify the integrity of the files that you download. Thanks to Marxio you will know if they have been modified Marxio File Checksum Verifier Marxio File Checksum Verifier 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Marxio File Checksum Verifier, also known as FCV, is one of the best utilities to check the integrity of the data that you download from the Internet and make sure that they haven't been modified or corrupted maliciously by other users. Discover the best tool to check your files The process used by this kind of program is called a checksum, and it basically consists of applying a hash function that returns a fix length chain. That chain has to be compared to the one that is provided together with the file that you are verifying to find out if it is corrupt or not. There are several kinds of checksums, the majority of which are supported by Marxio File Checksum Verifier (MD4, MD5

Download Social Monitor 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Social Monitor 2020 Latest Version - Social Monitor is a tool to control what your children do on Facebook. Download Social Monitor free and avoid all sorts of dangerous contents they may see Social Monitor Social Monitor 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Would you like to find out what your children do on Facebook? With Social Monitor it's possible. You only need a Facebook account and to have the person that you want to control as a friend. Facebook is a platform that is used by a very large amount of young people, and there is a lot of information that is published by means of this social service. If you want to know for sure that your children make a correct use of Facebook, download Social Monitor for free. Main features Allows you to check that no personal information has been published. You can find out the activity, interests and events that the user is connected with. You can check the photographs or videos in which your children appear. Allows you to download the

Download NoTracks 2020 Latest Version For Windows

NoTracks 2020 Latest Version - NoTracks avoids that data analyzers like Google Analytics or WebTrends can track your browsing data. Download NoTracks now and maintain your privacy NoTracks NoTracks 2020 Latest Version   Reviews In general, the vast majority of websites visited by the users daily compile information for one of the data tracking services available, be it Google Analytics, WebTrends or Woopra, to name the best known. Due to this, if a user wants to maintain full anonymity while browsing, it will be necessary to resort to an application like NoTracks. How NoTracks works is rather clear and straight forward, because it blocks any attempt to track a user's movements on the network. Features Blocks any attempt to track your movements. Compatible with the most important browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari. Allows you to eliminate the cookies generated during the browsing. Blocks search data transmission. Avoids adverts from usi

Download Folder Crypto Password 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Folder Crypto Password 2020 Latest Version - Download Folder Crypto Password and encrypt files, folders or external drives with a password. Ensure the privacy of your data with Folder Crypto Password Folder Crypto Password Folder Crypto Password 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Protect the integrity of your data by downloading Folder Crypto Password, a tool that allows you to encrypt files, folders or external storage units and keep their contents private. Safeguard your privacy Encrypt and protect with a password any sensitive or confidential information that you don't want anybody else to see. Third parties won't be capable of accessing, copying or modifying the data protected by Folder Crypto Password, not even in DOS or in safe mode. There are no tricks to be able to break this protection. Features of Folder Crypto Password Protect files, folders and external drives with a password. Files are encrypted automatically when stored in encrypted folders. Protect the acc

Download RoboForm 2020 Latest Version For Windows

RoboForm 2020 Latest Version - RoboForm is a useful tool to manage all the passwords that you use. Download RoboForm so as to avoid filling in the forms each time you visit a website RoboForm RoboForm 2020 Latest Version   Reviews One of the basic actions within computing security is to have a different password for each service or program that you use, nevertheless, this can be really bothersome, because remembering all of them can be rather complicated. RoboForm will remember them for us and, furthermore, it will help us to fill in forms. RoboForm remembers passwords for you. Keep an eye on the security of your passwords As logical, RoboForm detects each time that we register and send a password, and it allows us to store it in its database, so that the following times that we have to log-in, the application will remember the password and connect us. Its Passcard technology will allow us to create user profiles by means of which we can easily fill in forms, and it even in

Download Malware Defender 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Malware Defender 2020 Latest Version - Malware Defender is useful to protect your XP against malicious software. Download Malware Defender and avoid your computer being invaded by hackers Malware Defender Malware Defender 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Malware Defender is a host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS) that has had a powerful firewall added to it. This double feature makes it the ideal tool to protect our system against all kinds of malicious software that tries to access it, like viruses, worms, trojans, adware, spyware, keyloggers and rootkits, among others. Both the information that it provides as well as the possibilities that it offers us of detecting and eliminating threats are the biggest and most detailed that we can find on the market, even though in exchange for what it offers, both its interface as well as its functioning are aimed at an expert public, although it includes a learning module with which we will be able to learn a basic control. In w

Download iVideo 2020 Latest Version For Mac

iVideo 2020 Latest Version - iVideo is a program to organize and catalog all the videos that you have stored on your computer. Download iVideo and easily keep your collection in order iVideo iVideo Mac 2020 Latest Version   Reviews iVideo is an application that provides the opportunity to maintain all your videos perfectly organized because it is a manager with which you will be able to keep control of all the audiovisual files that you have available. Furthermore, the program has a very simple interface (similar to that of iTunes) from which you'll be able to play the files or convert them to various formats. Main features Total integration with Finder. Management of several libraries simultaneously. Option to create an online catalog by means of a web. Video conversion system. Tool to share content on the Internet. Obviously, it's an application that has been developed for cinema lovers and those people that have hundreds of video files stored on their computers.

Download VisualRoute 2020 Latest Version For Mac

VisualRoute 2020 Latest Version - VisualRoute is a tool that provides information about how information travels on the Internet. Download VisualRoute and easily carry out traceroutes VisualRoute VisualRoute Mac 2020 Latest Version   Reviews VisualRoute is a program that, by means of a simple yet rather attractive interface (specially if we compare it with similar tools), gives us the chance to find out from where we receive all the information that it sent to us on the Internet.   The vast majority of these tools only work in text mode, and that is the main reason why this program is so appealing, because it has the capacity to show how our information flows over the world wide web by means of a world map, in such a way that it will be a lot easier to analyze our traffic. Performing pings or traceroutes of any IP or domain name had never been as quick and effective.   If you don't have a certain level of knowledge about networks, the program may seem somewhat confusing

Download Titanium Maximum Security 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Titanium Maximum Security 2020 Latest Version - Titanium Maximum Security is a complete suite to secure your computer while you browse the Internet. Download Titanium Maximum Security and protect your PC Titanium Maximum Security Titanium Maximum Security 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Titanium Maximum Security is a complete application by Trend Micro to manage to have total security when browsing the Internet. With this program you won't have to be afraid of the threats that beset all Internet users, because it has different tools that will protect you against any attacks. With a totally renovated interface, Titanium Maximum Security has the following categories: security summary, System Tuner and paternal controls. In the first section you will see the amount of virus and spyware, as well as the threats against the machine that the program has detected. System Tuner is the function of Titanium Maximum Security with which you will be able to tune the computer. This tuni

Download Raise Data Recovery 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Raise Data Recovery 2020 Latest Version - Raise Data Recovery is a tool designed specifically to recovery data from XFS systems. Download Raise Data Recovery to be able to recover lost files Raise Data Recovery Raise Data Recovery 2020 Latest Version   Reviews The XFS file system is used by certain Linux servers due to the fact that the system it used is totally scalable, with one of its most important users being the NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division. But if you lose any data on a storage device that uses this system it is necessary to use a special tool, such as Raise Data Recovery. Recover any lost data Following the sacred rule of never installing recovery software on the device on which the recovery has to be carried out, Raise Data Recovery for XFS will be capable of analyzing the full file system at an amazing speed, allowing the user to choose the files that are to be recovered. Furthermore, Raise Data Recovery offers the possibility to expand its features by me

Download Money Pro 2020 Latest Version For Mac

Money Pro 2020 Latest Version - Control your home expenses, payments and income with Money Pro, a program that offers advanced functions for the management of our domestic economy Money Pro Money Pro Mac 2020 Latest Version   Reviews To manage your domestic finances you don't need to stick to old spreadsheets. You can use management programs that have nothing to envy of professional tools as is the case of Money Pro. Domestic management with professional features. All your accounts controlled from your Mac With this program you can manage your domestic economy up to the slightest detail: plan bills, draw up budgets, follow your accounts... in fact these are the functions that are available on this program to manage your finances from your Mac: Calendar to schedule payments. View the current day. Notifications of payments and outstanding invoices. Function to design budgets. Check registry. Import bank slips. Currency calculator and converter. Search for transactions. De

Download Androsa FileProtector 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Androsa FileProtector 2020 Latest Version - Protect your files once you download Androsa FileProtector. With it you will be able to encrypt and protect your files. Download Androsa FileProtector free Androsa FileProtector Androsa FileProtector 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Androsa FileProtector is an encryption software application that is easy to use and powerful, that will help you to maximize the security of your files. If you want to encrypt any file so that nobody can open it without knowing the password, this software has the most advanced encryption systems. Options available To accomplish the best encryption, Androsa FileProtector allows to use: 256-bit / 192-bit / 128-bit AES. 192-bit TripleDES. 64-bit DES. And if this wasn't enough, it includes several methods to obtain secure passwords when it comes to encrypting data. The integration of this software with Windows is perfect, becoming yet another option in the context menu awaiting for you to indicate the exa

Download FireShepherd 2020 Latest Version For Windows

FireShepherd 2020 Latest Version - FireShepherd cancels Firesheep, the Firefox extension capable of robbing social network personal data. Protect yourself, download FireSheperd to your PC now FireShepherd FireShepherd 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Good news for the users of social networks like Facebook and Twitter. For some time, the risk of your private data stored on these services being robbed had increased causing a certain level of panic to certain users. Firesheep, an innovating plugin for Firefox, is capable of locating this profile information to be able to access its contents. Don't let Firesheep steal your data Whereas, FireShepherd allows the possibility to cancel the activity of this intrusive complement. It is a small console that is capable of disabling all the Firesheep that are running on any wireless network every 0.5 seconds, thus solving the problem that they set. Even though this is only a temporary solution, it is highly advisable to use it. FireSh

Download CCleaner 2020 Latest Version For Mac

CCleaner 2020 Latest Version - Clean your Mac computer with CCleaner. Download CCleaner free for Mac and optimize its performance eliminating unnecessary files from browsers and programs CCleaner CCleaner Mac 2020 Latest Version   Reviews One of the favorite tools used by Windows users is beyond any doubt CCleaner. Now Mac users will also be able to enjoy the benefits provided by this great application. CCleaner is a program that takes care of optimizing your Mac by cleaning obsolete data, eliminating unused files and useless browser files increasing the performance and freeing space on the hard drive. Features Optimize your system by quickly deleting unnecessary files. Eliminate data stored by browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari among others. Delete history files, cookies, temporary files... Eliminate unnecessary files from other programs like Nero, eMule, Acrobat, WinZip... Check and verify file permissions. As clean and fast as the first day If you're star

Download USB Image Tool 2020 Latest Version For Windows

USB Image Tool 2020 Latest Version - USB Image Tool is a tool with which you will be able to create backups of the contents of your USB memory drive. Download USB Image Tool free of charge USB Image Tool USB Image Tool 2020 Latest Version   Reviews The enormous popularity obtained by USB pendrives and how easy they are to use make them the perfect place to store data or even install portable applications. These small storage units are already very common, therefore, many of the data they contain can be really important or of great value. For this reason, it would be convenient that everyone used USB Image Tool to create backups. USB Image Tool is a software application that allows you to create exact images of the contents of a pendrive, just like Norton Ghost can do with a hard drive, in such a way that any application or data will easily be able to be restored if it gets lost or something happens. This kind of application is very useful in case of a virus or a pendrive lo

Download Wise Folder Hider 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Wise Folder Hider 2020 Latest Version - Wise Folder Hider has been designed to hide folders in such a way that they aren't visible so that you can hide and keep confidential information safe Wise Folder Hider Wise Folder Hider 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Computer hard drives can contain confidential and personal information that the user doesn't want to be visible for other people that access the computer and, although there is a system option to hide files and folders, it's better to use a program like Wise Folder Hider. Easily hide your folders How it works is very intuitive and in a matter of seconds any user will be able to start using it, because when the program is launched for the first time it will ask the user to input a master password and from that moment onwards it will only be necessary to follow a simple process: Select the file or folder that you want to hide. Even though it also allows you to use drag & drop technology on its interface. Dec

Download GRT Recover Deleted Folder 2020 Latest Version For Windows

GRT Recover Deleted Folder 2020 Latest Version - Download GRT Recover Deleted Folder free and get ahold of this useful and simple tool to recover files that have been eliminated accidentally from your PC GRT Recover Deleted Folder GRT Recover Deleted Folder 2020 Latest Version   Reviews You will surely have had some kind of accident on your PC and you have lost important files that you didn't want to be deleted. To solve the problem you can use a tool like GRT Recover Deleted Folder. It is a simple application that analyzes the system and that will allow you to recover the files that have been eliminated. Don't worry about your accidentally deleted files To use GRT Recover Deleted Folder it isn't necessary to have technical knowledge about data recovery, because the application will do all the work for you. When you launch the program, you will be able to see all the hard drives and the USB memory that you have connected to the system. You will have to select th

Download Sunbelt Personal Firewall 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Sunbelt Personal Firewall 2020 Latest Version - Sunbelt Personal Firewall is a firewall that will protect your network connection from dangerous viruses. Download Sunbelt Personal Firewall to your PC free Sunbelt Personal Firewall Sunbelt Personal Firewall 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Sunbelt Personal Firewall is a development to avoid any kind of problem that may appear due to inbound and outbound data traffic. It's a solution that is much more versatile and efficient than the firewall included in the Windows operating system, that is rather annoying and unpractical. This tool has a simple interface despite having several sections and menus from which we can configure its behavior. Its most noteworthy features are: - Filter for the inbound and outbound data traffic. - Browser protection mode, with which we can avoid attacks from malicious websites. - Doesn't affect the PC's performance or our Internet connection. - Tool to manage rules. Discover one of the mos

Download Hetman Photo Recovery 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Hetman Photo Recovery 2020 Latest Version - Hetman Photo Recovery is an efficient image recovery software for Windows PC capable of performing on different formats and kinds of storage devices Hetman Photo Recovery Hetman Photo Recovery 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Photos are one of the most valuable kinds of files we can get to lose on our PC. The latter register once-in-a-lifetime moments that are lost forever if we can't find them. If you don't want to go through the tragedy of losing a collection of images, whether by accident or due to any other reason, you can download Hetman Photo Recovery, a program to recover deleted files specialized in images. Recover files from any storage unit One of the most noteworthy aspects of this program is that it doesn't only work on our Windows hard drive, but it can also recover data from the memory card of an Android device or a photo camera. Just connect your smartphone, tablet, camera or whatever other gadgets to your

Download Microsoft USB Flash Drive Manager 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Microsoft USB Flash Drive Manager 2020 Latest Version - Microsoft USB Flash Drive Manager creates backups of your USB memory. Download Microsoft USB Drive Manager free to copy the contents of your pendrive Microsoft USB Flash Drive Manager Microsoft USB Flash Drive Manager 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Microsoft provides the USB memory or pendrive users with a lightweight application, known as USB Flash Drive Manager, with which they will be able to manage this kind of device as if it was a hard drive and perform backups. The best tool to back up USBs The main function of Microsoft USB Flash Drive Manager is to allows us to generate a backup of the USB memory, as well as their restoration. In this way, we'll always have our data safe, and we will be able to restore it whenever we want, preventing data loss due to accidental deletion or the device malfunctioning. But, furthermore, Microsoft USB Flash Drive Manager offers options to manage your USB memory to copy and elim